Los Angeles International Airport Runway 25L Bioswale

EcoRain America SuDS

EcoRain America SuDS management for the Runway 25L Relocation & Center Transitway Improvement at Los Angeles International Airport—LAX has two long Bioswales, one on each side of the new center taxiway, between the taxiway and the adjacent runways. An existing 32” diameter concrete drainpipe that runs through the center of the Bioswales has been retrofitted with inlets every few hundred feet to accept overflow.

  • 13,828 Lineal Feet—over 2.6 miles of Bioswale
  • 423,000 Cubic Feet / 3,164,040 Gallons / 9.7 Acre Feet
  • 61,460 EcoRain ER-502 Double Tanks
  • 32” diameter existing storm drain retrofitted with inletsevery few hundred feet in the center of the Bioswale.
  • Project built November 2006 to March 2008
  • LAX is operated by the Los Angeles World Airways—LAWA, a department of the City of Los Angeles.
  • HNTB Engineers designed the Bioswale, CH2M Hill served as site engineers, and Tutor-Saliba Construction as the General Contractor.